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Benadryl Syrup 150 ml

Product Of Johnson & Johnson Pvt.Ltd


Ammonium Chloride(138.0 Mg) + Diphenhydramine(14.08 Mg) + Sodium Citrate(57.03 Mg) + Ethanol(0.2625 Ml)

Pack of 1 syrup


MRP ₹141.00

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*MRP inclusive of all taxes

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All Details About Benadryl Syrup 150 ml

Find out detailed description, uses, directions of use, side effects, warnings and precautions, frequently asked questions about Benadryl Syrup 150 ml


Benadryl cough syrup is used for treating coughs and colds. It also provides relief from symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and watery eyes. Cough is the body’s natural reflex to expel any foreign matter that is accumulated in the airways. Coughing helps clear out mucous and congestion from your lungs. Cough can be dry and itchy or chesty and phlegmy. Benadryl cough syrup contains a combination of diphenhydramine, ammonium chloride and sodium citrate as active substances. It works by blocking the effects of allergic chemicals and providing relief from allergic symptoms such as a runny nose and watery eyes. This medicine also thins the mucous and makes it easier to cough out. Take this medicine exactly as directed by your doctor. Shake well before use. Use a measuring cup or spoon for the exact quantity. Do not consume directly from the bottle. Benadryl syrup should not be used for children below 4 years of age without medical advice. Do not consume more than the recommended dose and keep a gap of at least 4 hours between two consecutive doses. Do not take this medicine if you are allergic to any of its components. Before starting Benadryl cough syrup, inform the doctor if you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or breastfeeding and about your complete medical history. Also, inform the doctor about all other medicines and supplements you take.


Cough is a sudden, forceful expulsion of air that helps clear any mucus or irritant in the throat or airways. If it happens more frequently, due to an underlying disease or an allergy, it can be bothersome. Benadryl Syrup helps to loosen thick mucus and reduces its stickiness, making it easier to cough out. This makes it easier for air to move in and out. It will also relieve allergy symptoms like watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose or throat irritation and help you carry out your daily activities more easily. Taking this medicine enables you to live your life more freely without worrying so much about things that set off your symptoms.

Directions For Use:

  • Take Benadryl cough syrup as instructed by your doctor.
  • Shake well before use
  • Read the instructions on the bottle before usage.
  • Use a measuring cup, spoon or a dropper for the exact quantity.
  • Do not stop taking Benadryl syrup on your own.
  • Do not take more than 4 doses in a day.

Side Effects:

Drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting

Warning & Precautions:

  • If you are diabetic, monitor your blood glucose regularly while taking this medicine.
  • Inform your doctor if you have a history of thyroid or heart disease.
  • Stop taking Benadryl Syrup and inform your doctor if your cough persists for more than 1 week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by a fever, rash or persistent headache.


Q: Can I take Benadryl syrup with other anti-allergic medicines?
A: Benadryl syrup already contains an anti-allergic medicine in it. If you use it with other anti-allergic medicine, it will increase the side effects of this medicine which can be serious and needs emergency treatment so always avoid using other medicines with it or inform your doctor about that.

Q: Can Benadryl cough formula be taken by diabetic patients?
A: Benadryl may interact with the action of certain anti-diabetic medicines. Thus, inform your doctor before taking this syrup if you are on antidiabetic medicines. Benadryl syrup may also make you drowsy and can mast the side effect of low or high blood sugar. This syrup should only be used by a diabetic if prescribed by a doctor.

Q: What is the dosage of Benadryl for allergic cough?
A: The dose and frequency of taking this medicine are decided by your doctor. Do not take more than recommended daily dose of this medicine. You should keep a gap of at least 6 hours between the consecutive dose of this syrup.

Q: Does Benadryl make you sleep?
A: Benadryl can make one sleepy. Benadryl is an anti-allergic medicine. It acts by blocking the action of a chemical called histamine. Histamine is also involved in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness. Blocking the action of it can lead to sleepiness or dizziness. However, this may not be experienced by everyone taking this syrup.

Q: Can Benadryl cough syrup be used for anxiety?
A: No, this syrup should not be used for anxiety. Benadryl syrup is used to treat cough, cold and relieve symptoms like sneezing, runny and stuffy nose, watery eyes, etc.

Q: How does Benadryl cough syrup work?
A: A productive cough is a type of cough which is associated with a lot of thick viscid mucus. This mucus gets stuck in the windpipe and lungs, due to which patients experience lots of coughing. If not treated, it may lead to more complications. A component of this syrup which is an expectorant agent increases the water content in the windpipe. Another ingredient of this syrup, which is a mucolytic agent, decreases the consistency of this mucus and makes it thin. Thus, it helps to remove this mucus from the windpipe and lungs and improves the patient’s condition.

Q: How often can I take Benadryl syrup?
A: You should take Benadryl syrup in doses and duration as recommended by your doctor. You should not take more than 4 doses in a day.

Q: My colleague has similar symptoms can I recommend Benadryl syrup to him?
A: No, you should not as different underlying conditions produce similar symptoms which the doctor can decide after careful clinical examinations. Benadryl cough syrup also has many contraindications and side effects which ignored can lead to severe conditions. So, do not recommend self-administration. Ask your friend to use it only after the doctor’s advice.

Q: Can we use Benadryl cough syrup in elder patients?
A: Elderly patients are more prone to the side effects of this medicine. Also, conditions like glaucoma, prostate problem and liver and kidney diseases are more prevalent in the elderly population which aggravates the side effects of this medicine. So, always consult a doctor before using it on elderly patients.

Q: How long does it take for Benadryl syrup to show its effect?
A: Benadryl syrup approximately acts within 15 to 30 minutes after taking it but it may differ from person to person.

Q: Can Benadryl stop coughing?
A: Yes, Diphenhydramine is one of the active components of Benadryl cough syrup and is used to relieve cough caused by minor throat or airway irritation. Allergic symptoms like runny nose, stuffy nose, coughing, sneezing and red and watery eyes are controlled with an antihistaminic medicine, Diphenhydramine. It blocks the effects of allergic chemicals and provides relief from the above symptoms.

Q: What are the negative effects of Benadryl syrup?
A: Drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, blurry vision, thicker phlegm, etc., are a few common side effects of Benadryl syrup. However, these symptoms are usually mild and resolve on their own. Also, it is not important that everyone experience the same.

Q: Can excess Benadryl syrup cause Alzheimer?
A: Benadryl syrup is not known to cause Alzheimer's disease. However, you should always take this medicine exactly as recommended by your doctor. Do not take more than the prescribed dose.

Q: Can I take Benadryl Syrup for allergies?
A: Benadryl syrup is a cough and cold preparation used for providing relief from the symptoms of a cold, cough and sore throat. It is not known to be used for treating allergies.

Q: Can excess Benadryl syrup cause stomach pain or constipation?
A: Some people may experience stomach upset with the use of Benadryl syrup. However, this medicine is not known to cause constipation. It is recommended to take this medicine exactly as recommended by your doctor. Do not take more than the prescribed dose.


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